Friday, July 27, 2018

Adaptation of an Animal

This is a photo of a caterpillar. A caterpillar is an example of an adaption of an animal. An adaptation of an animal helps an organism survive in its environment. It is passed down through generations to help a species survive. There are structural and behavioral adaptations. A structural adaptation is a physical trait and a behavioral adaptation affects the way an organism acts. An example of a structural adaption is camouflage in moths. An example of a behavioral adaption is when birds migrate to warmer climates before winter approaches. Both types of adaptations help a species survive in its environment. The caterpillar in the photo demonstrates a structural adaption with the fur on its body. When birds or other predators of caterpillars try to eat it, the fur on its body makes it distasteful to the predator. Another structural adaption on the caterpillar is its color. The color can tell predators it is poisonous or a caterpillar's color can help it blend into its environment.

“Caterpillar Survival Strategies.” Wildlife Insight,
National Geographic Society. “Adaptation.” National Geographic Society, 9 Oct. 2012,

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