Sunday, July 8, 2018

Gymnosperm Cone

This is a picture of a pine cone. Pine cones are an example of a gymnosperm cone. A gymnosperm cone is a reproductive structure of gymnosperms. There are both male and female cones where the male cone contains pollen that fertilizes the female cone's egg inside her ovule. The female cones are found in the upper branches of a tree and the male cones are generally located towards the bottom of the tree. The purpose of their location is so the pollen of the male cone can be blown up to the female cone by wind. The pine cone shown above is a female cone as the female cones are large and thin compared to the males; which are small and wider. This pine cone represents a gymnosperm cone by showing its scaly appearance that would catch the male pine cone's pollen in order to reproduce.

Delevoryas, T. “Gymnosperm.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 Oct. 2016,                                                                                                                                  

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