Sunday, July 29, 2018


This is a photo of a leaf with water on it. The leaf represents a hydrophobic substance. Hydrophobic describes substances that don't mix with water molecules. The Greek roots hydro-and -phobic combined translates to "water hating". Water molecules are polar molecules and this means they carry a charge along its molecule. The failure of water and hydrophobic molecules to combine results in molecules without a charge. Hydrophobic molecules are the chargeless, non-polar molecules that results in substances not combining with water. The leaf in the photo contains wax. Wax is a non-polar, hydrophobic substance. The water on the leaf is not absorbed because of this wax. Other examples of hydrophobic substances are fats and oils.,,

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This is a photo of a white clover. A white clover demonstrates xylem . Xylem is vascular plant tissue that acts as transportation for ...