Saturday, July 21, 2018

Genetically Modified Organism

This is a photo of tomatoes. Tomatoes are an example of a genetically modified organism. Genetically modified organisms are engineered organisms whose genomes are modified in order to achieve desired traits. This is done by modifying the organisms cells on a molecular level and during the modification, different genes from unrelated species are added to the organism. The reason scientists genetically modify organisms is because certain traits are desired and when they are achieved, this can help the organism survive longer by withstanding environmental issues. There are different ways scientists genetically modify organisms. One way is by reproductive cloning, this is done by extracting a nucleus from a cell of the individual and is inserted into a host egg. The resulting offspring is identical to its donor. Another way to genetically modify an organism is through recombinate DNA technology. This is done by inserting specific genes from organisms into the DNA of another organism. Genetic modification is used in agriculture, medicine, and environmental management. The tomatoes in the photo are an example of organisms that get genetically modified. One way scientists genetically modify tomatoes is with a type of bacterium that acts as an insecticide. Although genetic modification is used today, many see it as unethical and as a harm to our environment and health.

Diaz, Julia M., and Judith L. Fridovich-Keil. “Genetically Modified Organism.” Encyclopædia Britannica,             
         Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 26 Apr. 2018,

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